I've been using this face wash for a week now. My friend who came here for a vacation from Singapore was the one who gave me this face wash from Shu Uemura. In fact, this is my first Shu Uemura stuff. I'm not really "awed" with Shu Uemura because I find Shu Uemura's packaging, "cheap." To think that it's very expensive, their products usually comes in a clear packaging which is very similar to a lower class brand named Red Earth.
Anyway, my friend said that she got it as a freebie from the saloon that she's working with at the moment.
To start off with my review, I got the one in dark orange to be precise. I found a new self realization from using this face wash. I found out that I'm not a big fan of any face wash that is not "bubbly." I am used to using anything that once you put onto your palms, it bubbles, but this one is not. It's very hard for me to spread all over my face because I've been wanting bubbles from now and then. As a result, I always use up more than the usual amount that I use with my normal face wash.
It is "ok" I guess, nothing quite special with this face wash, and also nothing bad. It didn't give me any break-outs which is a good thing, but it didn't make any good sense either.
It is quite disappointing because I heard a lot of good stuff about Shu Uemura, and since this was my very first product, I was expecting more from it.
Rica's Rating : 2 / 5
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