This is my HG Mascara Remover! Yes, this is an essential for me because I do put on a very, very heavy mascara instead of putting on fake eye lashes. I don't really like fake lashes because I heard that it is very hard to remove. I sticked with using mascaras instead, two coatings, three coatings is better than fake ones.
Anyway, most of my mascaras are very hard to remove, especially my Deja Vu (Imju) Fiberwig Mascara and Majolica Majorca Mascaras. They are quite hard to remove, especially the fibers.
By applying this Mascara Remover from Heroine Make, it makes taking it all out easier than without this item. By the way, I bought this product from Sasa Cosmetics for HKD 65 (as far as I can remember) and yes, I sitll do have back-ups for this item because this is such an essential for me.
I use either tissue or make-up cotton pads to remove my mascara. All in all, I love it! (Not to mention I think this is the only product that I've seen for mascara removers. LOL)
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