Rica Francia's Page!

Friday, July 26, 2019

Hello From an Old Friend!

Posted by Rica at 4:34 PM

It’s been a few years since the last time I “really” updated my blog. Being a mother, I became very busy and preoccupied with my family that I rarely get a chance to just sit down, drink a cup of tea and think about my own life. 

A space of my own.

Anyway, as you may have read from my previous blog entry, we lost our baby boy last year. It has been almost a year. Since we decided to get sterilization the last time I gave birth to Aidan, Adam is now the youngest in our family. 

And now, he is turning 5 this year.

Time flies fast! As he grows older as years pass by, I get to have more time for myself. He is becoming more independently.

My two daughters are all teens now. Luella, turning 12, and Freya, turning 17. In two years time, I’ll have my first college student soon!

Anyway, this blog entry is just my way of saying that hopefully, I will be more active in posting entries in the near future.

So stay tuned!!! 

Still Me,



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